Summer Skincare Tips for a Radiant Bridal Glow
Image credit: James Davies Photography
Make Me Bridal Pro: Lauren Gamble Makeup Artist


As the sun shines brighter and the Pimms comes out, it’s also the season for summer weddings.

If you’re one of the brides counting down to her big day this summer season, it’s important to prioritise your skin’s health and radiance in order to look your best when you walk down the aisle. After all, a radiant glow is the best accessory for any bride!

To help you get ready for your Summer wedding day in the sun, we have put together some of our very best tips make sure things go without a hitch!

Our Top Bridal Skincare Tips for Summer

Here are some of our top summer skincare tips to help you look your best on your big day in the Sun.


Hydrating from within with refreshing water for healthy skin
Make Me Bridal Pro: Makeupology


Hydration, Hydration, Hydration


There’s no doubt that summer calls for extra hydration, both inside and out.

Especially when you’re in the midst of wedding prep, it can be easy to forget to hydrate!

However, this simple step helps maintain your skin's elasticity, gives you a natural glow, and even helps to prevent breakouts.

Keep a cute water bottle with you and be sure to eat water-rich fruits and vegetables. You should also use hydrating formulas as part of your skincare routine, especially those that include ingredients like hyaluronic acid that draw moisture into your skin.


Eat a healthy diet for glowing skin
Image credit: Natalie Crouch Reflections
Make Me Bridal Pro: Clare Lake, Makeup Artist


Shield Your Skin from the Sun


Sun protection is a non-negotiable when it comes to summer skincare.

Shield your skin from harmful UV rays by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Even if your moisturiser or foundation includes sun protection, it’s a good idea to apply SPF separately to ensure that it is concentrated enough to do its work. Look for a lightweight, oil-free formula that won't clog your pores or interfere with your makeup. Remember to reapply every few hours, especially if you're having an outdoor celebration.


Take time to unwind and de-stress for healthy skin
Image credit: Greg Thurtle
Make Me Bridal Pro: Amazing Face Bridal Hair & Make up Dorset


Banish Excess Oil with a Cleansing Routine


Heat and humidity can make your skin feel oilier than usual, so it’s a good idea to establish a cleansing routine that targets excess oil and keeps your skin fresh. Opt for a gentle, oil-free cleanser to remove dirt, sweat, and impurities without stripping your skin of its natural moisture.

Stay away from foaming formulas as these can be too harsh. Follow up with a toner to minimise pores and leave your skin feeling refreshed and balanced.


Establish a consistent skincare routine for bridal beauty
Make Me Bridal Pro: Stephanie Christy Make Up


Exfoliate for a Healthy Glow


To achieve a radiant bridal glow, regular exfoliation is key. Slough away dead skin cells and reveal a smoother complexion by incorporating a gentle chemical exfoliator into your skincare routine.

Look for products with natural ingredients like fruit enzymes or gentle acids that won't irritate your skin. Limit exfoliation to 2-3 times a week to avoid overdoing it.


Achieve a natural and radiant bridal glow
Image credit: Matt Dartford
Make Me Bridal Pro: Brunetti Artistry MUA


Refreshing Facial Mists


A facial mist is a must-have summer essential. Keep a bottle in your purse for a spritz of hydration and revitalisation throughout the day. Look for mists infused with ingredients like rosewater or cucumber to calm and soothe your skin. It's like a cool breeze on a hot summer day!


The joy of wedding planning and self-care for a beautiful journey
Make Me Bridal Pro: Katie Dootson Mua


Nourish with a Lightweight Moisturiser


Swap out your heavy winter moisturiser for a lightweight, oil-free alternative. Opt for gel or water-based moisturisers that provide ample hydration without feeling heavy on the skin. Look for those with added benefits like peptides or antioxidants to give your skin a plump, youthful appearance.


Summer Skincare Tips for a Radiant Bridal Glow
Make Me Bridal Pro: The Boho Bride


As you plan for your summer wedding, be sure to take some time to pamper yourself and look after your skin. Follow these guidelines and you’ll soon be rocking the ultimate bridal glow!


Keep checking back at Make Me Bridal for more skincare tips, and if you need any more help, take a peak at our directory of the best hair and makeup artists near you!

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